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The Montessori Room: Food Situations & Cooking with Little Explorers

Montessorirummet: Matsituationer & matlagning med små upptäckare

What do your meals look like today? How involved are the kids? Many parents struggle with stressful meals and fussy kids, but by seeing food situations as an opportunity for learning, we can create more harmony at the table. Here are three keys from Annie from www.montessorirummet.com to help your kids flourish in the kitchen!

1. Independence – "Help me do it myself"

Children who are allowed to participate in the kitchen develop self-confidence, motor skills and a sense of responsibility. Studies show that they develop a better relationship with food and dare to try new flavors. Small changes make a big difference! Let young children pour water, set the table and lay out their food. Older children can make sandwiches, cut vegetables and help at the stove. A low cabinet with children's own kitchen utensils makes them more independent and strengthens their self-esteem.

2. Secure relationships – Meals are more than just food

Eating together creates security, language development and community. Jesper Juul emphasizes the importance of trusting the child's ability to create a calm atmosphere. To create a positive mealtime:

  • Avoid nagging and forcing – let the child prepare their own food.

  • Put away screens and focus on conversations.

  • Ask open-ended questions like: “What made you happy today?”

  • Let your child be curious about food by, for example, choosing a new vegetable at the store.

3. Sensory stimulation – Learning through experiences

Children learn by feeling, tasting and touching. Kneading dough, mixing ingredients and carrying objects like a bag of flour strengthens both motor skills and coordination. Naming smells and textures also develops language. An accessible stool in the kitchen makes it easier for the child to participate.

Through independence, secure relationships and sensory stimulation, we can create positive mealtimes and at the same time promote the child's development. Think about what you can start doing today to make mealtimes more educational and harmonious? Small steps can make a big difference!

You can find more about Annie and the Montessori room here:



Miniware tips!

To make mealtime easier and more stimulating for your child, we have created the Sensory Starter Kit – the perfect starter pack for little food explorers! The kit includes:

With the right tools, your child can explore food with all their senses and develop independence at the dinner table. Make mealtimes a fun and educational time!

Sensory Starter Set - the perfect food kit to start your food journey!